Updated Note to Our Customers Regarding COVID-19
Tuesday June 2, 2020
At Aztech Geothermal we have updated our internal protocol now that the regions we work in are open for Phase 1 work to mitigate the health risks to our employees and our customers. These are adapted from the Reopening New York Construction Guidelines for Employers and Employees.
- Safety Protocol for In-Home Services (Interact with the customer prior to the service call to confirm the following items)
- Make sure no one at the house has been sick recently or is quarantined.
- Certify that we have screened our employee(s) and they have not been sick and have no symptoms.
- Maintain 6′ social distancing on site and minimize interaction with customers. If there is interaction, we expect our employee(s) and the customer to wear a face covering.
- Employee(s) will wipe/sanitize the areas where they have worked.
2. Safety Protocol for Construction Sites
- Maintain 6’ social distancing on site and minimize interaction with other workers. If there is interaction, we expect all workers to wear a face covering.
- For any work occurring indoors, limit workforce presence to no more than 1 worker per 250 sq. ft. on site, excluding supervisors in this calculation, unless additional personal protective measures are implemented (e.g. face coverings at all times).
- Conduct regular cleaning and disinfection of shared objects (e.g. tools) and surfaces, as well as high transit areas, such as restrooms and common areas.
3. Additional Precautionary Measures for Phase 1 Businesses
- Conduct mandatory health screenings of all employees prior to starting work each day.
- Engage in frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer.
- Wipe/sanitize areas before and after work.
- Consider wearing a face covering when working in occupied spaces or closer proximity to another.
- Wear safety glasses – will also assist in not touching your eyes.
- Avoid touching mouth, nose, and eyes.
- And of course, do not send sick people to job sites.
Hang In There!! Aztech Geothermal is interested in your feedback on this topic if you have other ideas you feel would further mitigate risks to contractors providing essential services.
John Ciovacco | President | Aztech Geothermal, LLC
5 McCrea Hill Road, Suite #200 | Ballston Spa, NY 12020
o 518-309-2000 | c 518-339-4998
jciovacco@aztechgeo.com | www.aztechgeo.com