John Ciovacco Leads Group for HEET’s Utility-Scale Geothermal Event @ MIT
Boston-based HEET runs Utility Scale Geothermal Charrette in MIT’s January Session. Aztech’s John Ciovacco took the lead on the break out group for Ground Loop Design Considerations.
There was a lot of ENERGY in the room during the four Utility-Scale Geothermal sessions in MIT’s January IAP (Independent Activities Period). Participants included people from MIT, Grey Edge, Eversource, National Grid, ERDA Energy, NEGPA, NYGEO, University of New Hampshire, many state regulatory agencies, and the Cities of Boston and Cambridge. Together they took on topics ranging from borehole design and data collection to community and workforce participation. HEET feels deeply privileged to have this opportunity to work together with everyone towards a better energy future.