John Ciovacco Speaks on Thermal Energy Networks at UK Conference
John Ciovacco Presents @ GSHPA UK Conference on TENs – Aztech Geothermal’s President and NY-GEO Board Member gave a presentation on Thermal Energy Networks as an Alternative to Natural Gas in the US at the GSHPA UK’s annual conference at Warwick University last week. The conference was a full day of presentations, exhibitors, and a fundraising dinner in the evening. The conference was attended by a similar mix of what’s seen at NY-GEO conferences with geothermal installers, heat pump manufactures, drillers, design professionals and government officials from the UK and Europe. Thanks to Andrea and Geoff Ellison of Dragon Drilling for the invitation and their hospitality during the visit. Also thanks to Kensa Heat Pumps for the pre-conference site visit in the Chelsea area of London of a social housing conversion project. Details of John’s trip to the UK and Sweden will be a discussion topic at a future NY-GEO Let’s Talk session to be announced. Link to GSHPA UK Conference Program. Link.