John Ciovacco Presents at NY-GEO Geopalooza March 17-18, Skidmore College
John Ciovacco presented both days during the 2 day long NY-GEO Geopalooza. His presentations were on Financing GHP Retrofits Using NYSERDA’s (HPWES) Home Performance With Energy Star Program on Tuesday and Quality Assurance for the Geo Industry (with John D. Manning, PE – Phoenix Energy) on Wednesday. Approximately 100 engineers, policy makers, and students visited Skidmore Tuesday and Wednesday, March 17 and 18, for the annual conference of the New York Geothermal Energy Organization (NY-GEO). Dubbed “Geopalooza,” the two-day event focused on geothermal heat pumps (GHP) as a way to cleanly and renewably heat and cool buildings and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels. Attendees heard from cutting-edge technical and policy experts on how GHPs can eliminate greenhouse gases and reduce energy bills. Another focus of the event was net zero buildings, where GHPs and renewable electricity combine to eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions.
NY-GEO is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to geothermal heating and cooling, and to promoting the use of ground-source heat pumps to heat and cool buildings in New York State. Members include geo designers, installers, manufacturers, drillers, consultants, and distributors.