Aztech's Ciovacco Joins GeoExchange in Washington DC

GEO Exchange representatives pictured with legislators

Bottom Left:  Ryan Dougherty (GeoExchange), John Ciovacco (Aztech Geothermal), Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY), Jennifer Butsch (Copeland), Titian Burris (ClimateMaster) Top Left:  With Rep. Nikki Budzinski (D-IL), Top Right: With Rep. Joseph Morelle (D-NY), Bottom Right: With Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO)

On July 26th and 27th we had a great trip to DC with the help and guidance of the GeoExchange Organization’s Ryan Dougherty and the strong lobby firm Invariant. Three teams were assembled consisting of the leaders from WaterFurnace, the Climate Control Group (Including ClimateMaster) and Enertech with the additional support of compressor manufacturer,Copeland.  These US based manufacturers of Geothermal Heat Pumps are asking for support from the US Congress to push for clarifications regarding the incentives for Geothermal Heat Pumps offered by the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).  Specifically, our teams were asking for Congress to urge the US Treasury to 1) issue guidance allowing Third Party Ownership, 2) clarifications on the 1MW threshold for prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements plus 3) the importance of the Domestic Content 10% adder to adopt an achievable standards for US manufacturers. 

John Ciovacco’s group had 11 meetings on Day 1 and 9 meetings on Day 2. Combining with the other GeoExchange teams, we collectively met with nearly 60 legislators or their key staff!

Thanks to the GeoExchange and Invariant for putting together such a well organized and effective set of meetings.  Also grateful to the leaders of our US-based heat pump manufacturers for your efforts to grow the industry and respond to the opportunity presented by the passage of the IRA.










From Left to Right:  Kevin McNamara (Climate Control Group), Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL), Ryan Dougherty (GeoExchange)