ACHRNews Quotes Aztech's John Ciovacco for Heat Pump Article

The most recent edition of the largest heating and cooling industry publication interviewed John Ciovacco for their article entitled, When Heat Pumps Are the Right Decision.  John discusses the benefits of heat pumps and some of the trends in energy policy that favor the adoption of heat pumps. 

“Increasingly, we need to think about not creating new energy and not wasting energy that could be used somewhere else,” Ciovacco said. “In New York, there’s a big push to reduce fossil fuels. With that, we’ll see a big reduction in fossil fuel heating and hot water in buildings. Heat pumps will be the big player to fill that void: from the air, from the ground.”

Later in the article Jens Ponikau of Buffalo Geothermal, a fellow NY-GEO board member, comments on how geothermal ground loops are candidates for replacing natural gas pipelines.

“They realized that putting in the geothermal systems would be cheaper than putting in the new pipeline but would essentially end up at the same result,” Ponikau said.

For the complete article here’s the link: (you may need to register to gain access)